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Saturday, March 21, 2015

A Taste of Honey and Other Methods of Increasing Recreational Reading of Reluctant Readers

A Taste of Honey and Other Methods of Increasing Recreational Reading of Reluctant Readers
By Jill Jenkins
            Motivating struggling reading is a daunting task, but if these students are to improve their reading skills teachers need to go beyond the call of duty to make reading interesting and successful for them. Most schools strive to make students lifelong learners, but they also need to strive to make students lifelong readers.  To do this, students must develop habits of reading recreationally.  Below are some tried and tested methods that have proven successful with some students.  Keep in mind each student is different, so no one method may work with any given student

Read Books With Your Students to Connect
            Teachers are overworked with planning, correcting and a myriad of unrelated activities, but by reading books that might be of interest to your students, you’re in a better position to recommend books to students or discuss books with student thus encouraging them to read independently.  This is means that as a teacher, you need to read books beyond your interest and comfort zone.  Read non-fiction and technical books because many teenage boys are especially interested in computers and cars.  If a student recommends a book, read it.  For instance, I had a student whose mother had informed me was a slow reader and seldom remembered what he had read when he finished.  This is a common problem with reluctant readers.   If a student can no finished a book within three weeks, the book is too long, difficult or uninteresting for that student.  I noticed the young man was reading Life of Pi  by Yan Martel and asked him how he liked it.  He enthusiastically raved about the book and offered to lend it to me when he finished.  I thanked him and said I would get a copy and we could talk about it every day, so I did.  Everyday, when I stood in the hall outside my classroom, I would stop him and we would chat about the plot or characters in the book.  The young man became an avid reader anxious to discuss each book with me.  His mother thanked me at the end of the year.  To be honest, the young man didn’t lack reading skills.  He needed an adult connection.  Most of us are social readers and so are most students.  I know you think that you don’t have time because you have too many classes and too many students.  I was a teacher with seven classes a day and one advisory period, all filled with 35 to 40 students.  Obviously, you can’t read 200 books at once, but some of your students who will recommend books are the kind of readers whose parents are prying the flashlight and the book from their fingers at four in the morning begging them to get some sleep.  These students don’t need any motivating to read independently.  They are the racehorses of readers. Let them run, but the reluctant readers need your help.  

Get the Help of Parents
             In my classroom, I always provided my students with ten minutes each day of silent sustained reading and I told them each day that it is their favorite part of the day.  Repeating this every day can help them really believe that reading is an enjoyable activity, but ten minutes a day isn’t long enough to make much of difference in a child’s reading skill.  Since the Common Core Curriculum is packed with learning objectives, spending more class time seems unreasonable. Teaching a novel every quarter is also not enough reading to increase the reading skills, so it is imperative to engage the help of parents.  What do you do about the student who comes to class unprepared every day? For those students who never bring a book to class, with my own money, I bought subscriptions to a variety of magazines that were both age appropriate and interesting. Because they arrived unprepared, I did not give them full credit for the activity.  Soon all of students have a book to read in class. I required that my students read two hours a week or about 20 minutes a night.  Some of my friends required one hour five nights a week.  I encouraged my students to read longer by offering extra credit for reading four hours a week.  Each student was given a reading chart that needed to be completed and signed by the parent or guardian and returned in one week. Honestly, I got this form from my daughter’s 7th grade English teacher and adapted it for my classes.  This is it:

 Reading Record
Name ______________________
Zone _______________
Date Due__________
Period _______
Book Title
Date                Min     initial      # of pgs
Fri 11/1

Sat 11/2

Sun 11/3

Mon 11/4

Tues 11/5

Wed 11/6

Thur 11/7

*Note incomplete reading logs will not be accepted.
My son/daughter has read the book named above (not just watched the movie—if there is one).

Parent Signature

A Taste of Honey
            Students often don’t have any idea which book might be interesting to them.  The library is overwhelming to them.  One way to give them an idea is to read selected passages of the book giving students a taste of honey or a taste of each book.  Select an assortment of books from the library and either ask the librarian to present these books to your class or discuss each book yourself with the students, so they have some idea which books might be fascinating to them.
            Another method is called Speed Dating.  Spread a variety of books across the room and give each student five minutes before you ring a bell and the students move to the next book.  When they each have a chance to peruse the books in the room, let them discuss which books they found interesting and make suggestions to each other.  Students helping students is a valuable resource.

Rewarding Success
            When you complete a difficult task, you like your success to be noted, so do students.  When students successfully complete a book, let them put their name and the title of the book on a piece of paper and hang it on the wall.  I use little cut-outs of suns, clouds, trees and let the student select one.  Each quarter I established reading goals for each student based on his/her ability to read. When a student reached whatever reading goal established for him or her, he or she gets his picture taken wearing a crown and has that picture displayed in the library under the title “Reading Royalty. “ To encourage reading, catch students reading and take their picture, take pictures of teachers, administrators and staff member reading and display these on your morning news or on a bulletin board.  Most of my students loved seeing pictures of themselves, their friends and their teachers and it reinforced the value of reading. 

Guided Reading and an Inundation of Genres
            To prepare students for the future they need to be exposed to a myriad of different genres:
·         Magazine articles
·         Web sites
·         Short stories
·         Novels
·         Non-fiction
·         Technical reading
·         Poetry
·         Speeches
·         Charts and graphs
·         Train and bus schedules

Expose your students to as many genres as you can. The teacher needs to provide guided reading assignments for each genre demonstrating how to analyze including, but not limited to:
·         The organization of structure
·         How to find the main idea
·         How to find the supporting ideas
·         How to identify the supporting examples and evidence
·         How to evaluate the quality of the evidence and logic
·         How to identify the elements of literature
o   Plot
o   Setting
o   Characters
o   Themes
o   Literary Devices
·         How to Identify text features
In short, the teacher needs to model and guide students to do what good readers do when they read.  Reluctant readers often do not have a clue what to after they decode the words.  Some students even need help synthesizing the decoded words into basic ideas. 

Write to Remember
Learning Journals
Finally students need to write to remember.  This means use journals for student to record what they have discussed.  If you are teaching a novel or an article have the students discuss it and guide them through the analysis.  Finally have them record it in their learning journal.  If they are reading a book independently, have them read the same book as another student in class or ask the parent to read the book with the child.  After the two read, give them discussion questions and finally have the students record their answer in their learning journal.  You will be surprised how much their comprehension will improve after they write about it.  
Creative Projects
Although all writing will improve student’s retention, more creative forms will also pique their interest.  Some that you could use to have students write summaries of what they have read include:
·         Cartoon Strips
·          Little books
·         Movies
·         Reader’s Theater
·         Plays
·         Newspapers
·         Web pages
·         Power Point Presentations or Google Presentation
·         Story Maps
·         Podcasts
·         Children’s Picture Books

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Importance of Teaching Values in School Part V of V

The Importance of Teaching Values in School Part V of V

By Jill Jenkins


Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

     Since teenagers have a tendency to behave rashly without considering the consequences of their behavior, Romeo and Juliet is the perfect play to show the consequences of this impetuous behavior.  The character, Romeo, is heart broke as he has been discarded by the love of his life, Rosaline at the beginning of the play.  To relieve him of his grieving heart, his cousin, Benvolio, and his best friend, Mercutio, take him to the Capulet’s ball to look over other beauties.  There, Romeo spots Juliet, the only daughter of his only enemy, and falls immediately in love with her.  After chatting in her orchard all night, the two marry at noon the next day.  Of course, he doesn’t really know her and he takes no time to think of the consequences.  He doesn’t even sleep on it.  This is bad news since he was awake the night before bemoaning his lost love to Rosaline.  Coming home from the wedding, Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt insults Romeo. When Romeo refuses to fight him,  Mercutio jumps in to defend his friend’s name, but is killed by Tybalt.  Not considering murdering his wife’s cousin might put a damper on his wedding night, Romeo kills Tybalt.  Even though the Prince has threatened death to anyone fighting in the street, Romeo is depressed when he learns his sentence is diminished to banishment and threatens to kill himself in Friar Lawrence’s cell where he is hiding, another rash act.  Regardless, Juliet sends the nurse to invite Romeo to her bedroom before he rushes to Mantua.  

The entire play not excluding his suicide is fraught with impassioned decision made without forethought.  Discussions and writing assignments can help students understand the folly of such rash behavior.  Again by using a graphic organizer like the one below, students will improve their comprehension of the play and the life skill. 

    All four of these pieces of literature will increase the students’ reading skills while teaching them important skills in establishing healthy, productive relationships.  The same principles that apply to romantic love relationships apply to every human relationship.  Establishing healthy relationships can help students develop into happy, healthy adults. Teaching complete pieces of literature allows students to understand the similarities and differences between relationships.  Human being are complex so to fully understand  relationships use multiple examples, discussions, analysis and comparisons that can only occur in a complete literary work

Term Projects connected with Romeo and Juliet:

  • Love Essay: Develop 10 to 15 good essay questions about love. Remember "yes-no questions do not provide you with much information.  Make sure your questions are appropriate to ask the principal or your mother.  Interview two people between the ages of 12-14, two people between the ages of 15-20, two people between the ages of 21-29, two people between the ages of 30-39, two people between the ages of 40-50 and two people between the ages of 51 to 80.  Synthesize all of your information together into a coherent essay that includes one graph comparing the views of the different age groups. 

  • Create a Three-dimensional model of the Globe Theater.  Label the areas.

  • Memorize and perform either Romeo’s famous soliloquy from ACT II “What light through yonder window breaks….” Or Juliet’s from the same act: “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo…” or if you prefer ACT IV and Act V, choose Juliet’s soliloquy before she takes the portion or Romeo’s before he takes the poison. Remember you must memorize it, block it and wear a costume for full credit.
  • Write and present a three to five minute speech using a visual aide. Consider one for the following topics:  weapons used during the period, clothing worn during the period, Shakespeare’s life, or games and amusements during that time.
  • Find a partner and memorize and perform a scene from Romeo and Juliet. Your choices include the balcony scene, Juliet trying to persuade the nurse to her what Romeo said, Friar Lawrence’s scene when he tells Romeo that he will marry him to Juliet or when he tells him to stop weeping and be a man, or the fight scene in ACT III.  Remember to wear a costume, memorize it block it and use props. 
  • Create a television news program that discusses at least five events that occurred in the play and has at least five commercials advertising items used during that time period.  The presentation must be at least five minutes long and may use up to three people.  
Discussion Questions and Writing Assignments

  •  Friar Lawrence has just been accused of complicity in the death of Romeo and Juliet. Collect information on both sides of the argument and present one as either the prosecuting or the depending attorney. 
  • Juliet is your best friend. She has secretly told you of her marriage to Romeo and of Romeo's killing of her cousin, Tybalt. Write her a letter advising her what she should do. 
  • Romeo and Juliet commit suicide at the end of the play.  Brainstorm other solutions to their problem.
  •  Identify communication problems in both households that lead to the problems with all of the characters.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Importance of Teaching Values in School Part IV of V

The Importance of Teaching Values in School Part IV of V
By Jill Jenkins

The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo

            One skill that students need to develop is how to select quality friends, associates and life partners. One of the most devastating events in an adolescent’s life is to select friends who are involved in unscrupulous behavior.  These no account rascals can lead an otherwise good child from a productive life to a life of crime and violence.  Flashy, gregarious youth who seem fascinating can lead a child astray like a moth to a light.
            In Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Pacquette is a beautiful, sixteen year old girl who allows wealthy, aristocrats to use her and throw her away like a used tissue. Each time she is discarded, she continues with a man of lower social class and position, until finally she becomes involved with “The Prince of Thieves.”  Her behavior leaves her with an illegitimate child who she adores.  When her little daughter is kidnapped, she is destroyed and becomes the tattered recluse living in a Lady Rolande’s sanctuary praying and weeping.

            Esmeralda, her beautiful daughter who is raised by her biological father returns to Paris, but Pacquette doesn’t recognize her.  Esmeralda, now sixteen, shares her mother’s good looks, but devoutly clings to her chastity believing that if she does, she will meet her mother again.  Esmeralda is attracted to a handsome, police captain, Phoebus. Phoebus is engaged to his cousin, but is an alcoholic, womanizer who tries to seduce Esmeralda.  Esmeralda is unjustly accused and convicted of Phoebus’ murder even though he is not dead.  Quasimodo, the hunchback who lives in the cathedral, rescues Esmeralda and gives her sanctuary in Notre Dame.  

            It is a simple act of kindness that almost saves Esmeralda.  When Quasimodo, who has been bullied and ridiculed by the everyone for his disfigurement, is put on the pillory as punishment for kidnapping Esmeralda, Esmeralda is the only one who will bring him a sip of water.  Because of her kindness, Quasimodo falls in love with her and, consequently,  rescues her from the gallows.  If students are taught to understand that it is the simple act of kindness that often means so much to others, they can change the climate of a school.  Asking students to perform a simple act of kindness and write about it will help students understand that they can make a difference in another person’s life.
            Because Quasimodo loves the beautiful Esmeralda, he brings her two vases with roses.  The first one is in a crystal vase that is cracked, because it cannot hold water, the roses wilt.  The second one is a plain, earthenware vase that is not cracked, so the roses remain beautiful.  The vases represent the two men.  The crystal vase represents Phoebus who is handsome, but flawed.  He can never truly love Esmeralda.  The earthenware vase represents Quasimodo who is physically deformed, but not morally bankrupt, so his love can protect Esmeralda.  In the end, Esmeralda’s inability to understand this leads to her death. This could lead to another assignment by having students identify people in the world who might best be represented by the crystal vase and explain why with specific examples and one that might be represented by the earthenware vase supporting their choice with specific examples. 

            This piece of literature could be used to discuss and write about the importance of the quality of a man's character over physical appearance. (Warning: translations of this book vary considerably. If you are teaching in a conservative society, I suggest you look at the Scholastic version of the book.)  It could be used to discuss the importance of using that as a measurement of the quality of friends as well as life partners.  One essay that you might consider is for students to list what qualities are the most important for an individual for a life partner or a best friend and prioritizing these qualities and justifying these choices with rationale.

  Other discussion questions that could be used in literary circles or for writing assignments include:
  • Jehan and Quasimodo are both raised by Claude Frollo as his sons. Which is the better son? Why? Why does Claude Frollo fail to recognize this?
  • Claude Frollo, Pacquette and Esmeralda all fail to recognize that what they have been looking for is right before their eyes. What makes them so blind to the truth?  Describe an event in real life where people are blind to the truth.
  • Quasimodo's name is Latin means almost formed. Compare Quasimodo, Claude Frollo, Phoebus and Jehan Frollo to determine who is the most complete person.
  • At the end of the book, everyone is trying to save Esmeralda.  Explain how a lack of communication ends in everyone's death.
  • During the election of the King of Fools, people with various degrees of deformities place their face or other parts of their anatomy out the window and the crowd laughs. When Quasimodo displays his deformities, they elect him the King of Fools.  Victor Hugo might be implying that we all in some degree Quasimodo; therefore, the reason people taunt Quasimodo is because they do not want to admit their own shortcomings.  When the crown sees the beautiful Esmeralda, they likewise taunt and scuff at her appearance.  What role does being "different" play in bullying?
  • Pierre Gringoire's play is suppose to be a morality play, but it is an ironic mix of mythological characters and religious ones.  In what way is the novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, a morality play? 
  • When Claude Frollo rescues the infant Quasimodo from a group of women who were about to burn the deformed child, it is obvious that finding homes for orphans who are handicapped is difficult.  How difficult is it today to find homes for children with disabilities?  Why is it difficult?
  • Victor Hugo's description of the architecture of the buildings in Paris represents the complicated value system of the era.  Look at our school. What does the architecture of today say about our society?
  • Since Quasimodo, Esmeralda, Phoebus and Claude Frollo are all judged by the people of Paris by their appearance, it is likely that Victor Hugo is making statement about the problems created when people judge others by what they appear to be, instead of the "quality of their character."  What problems occur when people judge others by their appearance, rather than their characters?  How do people at this school judge others by their appearance?  What stereotypes exist in this school?  Are the assumptions made about these people based on their appearance true or false?  What problems occur when students judge other students based on their appearance? 
  • If Quasimodo is not the most distorted character, who does the title, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, really represent?